Saturday, 14 June 2014

Love letter to Jiaying's Papa

My dearest dearie do, 

I'm so happy to be home finally with our little one, the no-longer-so-little-one and my dearest doo. 

Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father to our children. It makes me teary just thinking about the love that you have shown - thru all your actions and how you have taken care of us. 

We are yet again starting on a new chapter in our lives together - as parents twice over. Double the number of children and I'm sure, more than double the joy. It's humbling when you look into the eyes of your children, to see the simple joy they feel when they see you at the end of the day and also, learning more about each other as we go along. 

Dearest do, I may not be the most patient or sensitive wife - and for the times that you feel your efforts are under appreciated, I'm sorry and would like to say it's never my intention. I am really touched by all that you have done for me and our family. I will learn to be better and more loving wife and mother to our lovely children. I may be more hormonal or emotional than normal (blame it on post partum hormones), so if I do say or react in a way that upsets you, I apologize in advance. 

The next few months will probably be another exciting ride ahead- as we learn to deal with the new family dynamics and I'm looking forward to it already - admittedly it's both with some trepidation but also very much anticipation. 

Finally Happy Father's Day my lovely Dearie do.  Me love you so very much. 

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