Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Bye bye 2013!

As 2013 draws to a close, Dearie do and
Dear dear managed to squeeze in a hot date to Sentosa Quayside Isle thanks for the grandparents. 

It was almost like the carefree dating days where after a yummy lunch at Sabio by the Sea, Dearie do and Dear dear (and di di) went for a stroll at the quay. Dear dear counted that it has been five years from the time we started dating- and the feeling of being loved and loving Dearie do is still same, and perhaps even more so after going thru a year of parenthood.

2013 is a year of much happiness for us. Starting off with the arrival of Kai Kai who took over our lives with the force of a hurricane (but more pleasant). It was impossible not to be sucked in- his smiles and gurgles causing everybody to go ga-ga over him. Our lives changed massively in this one year. Dearie do also completed his milestone LEP course and graduated as the top student (Dear dear is so proud of him)- no mean feat juggling his fathering duties and studies. Midway thru the year, we found our new home. Finally there would be enough space for
all the toys that Kai Kai (and Dearie do and Dear dear) would like. Now as the year winds to a close, Dearie do will be starting a new phase of his career as a Principal - exciting! And even more exciting is that Dear dear is expecting number 2- provably a di di. 

2013 has been a wonderful year for us and we are very thankful for our the blessings, big and little that have come our way. And may 2014 be another happy and healthy year for us and our families. 

Sunday, 29 December 2013

See me wave, gor gor!

Dada and mama went for Oscars scan yesterday. Kai Kai gor gor came along too.

At first Kai Kai gor gor seemed apprehensive. Could be wondering why his mama needs to lie on bed and the stranger auntie has to use a machine to rub on his mama's tummy. But after warming up, he got excited looking at the screen.

We could see didi / meimei waving his/her hands. Just like Kai Kai when he was still in mama's tum tum.

Mama also noticed that didi / meimei's head is of a slightly shape as Kai Kai's. Interesting that even at this stage, different babies look different? Or perhaps it is an indication of different gender?

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Mei mei, maybe not!

Dearie do and Dear dear went for our second gynae appointment. Mei mei is about 10 weeks 3 days old, and is due to arrive on 9 July 2014. 

Dearie do and Dear dear asked whether we could tell the gender now. Dr Sim took a peak between Mei mei's legs and said she "saw something". So it might not be Mei mei after all. She caveated though that it would only be clear at 16 weeks. 

Di di seemed to be every bit as active as Kai Kai - or even more so. He waved his arms at Dearie do and kicked vigorously. Active baby! 

Well, Mei mei or Di di, as long as baby is healthy and happy, we would be equally happy.